Becoming a Canadian citizen is a significant milestone that provides individuals with the rights and privileges of full membership in Canadian society. Below is an overview of the application process, eligibility requirements, and key benefits of Canadian citizenship.
To apply for Canadian citizenship, you must meet the following criteria:
Residency Requirements
You must hold permanent resident (PR) status with no unfulfilled conditions or pending removal orders.
You must have been physically present in Canada for at least 1,095 days (3 years) in the past 5 years before applying.
Time spent as a temporary resident or protected person may count as half days toward the residency requirement, up to a maximum of 365 days.​
Language Requirements
Applicants aged 18-54 must demonstrate proficiency in English or French.
Proof of language skills may include test results, transcripts, or evidence of completing language courses.​
Tax Filing
You must have filed taxes in Canada for at least 3 years within the past 5 years, if required under the Income Tax Act.​
Good Character
Applicants must have no serious criminal history in Canada or abroad during the eligibility period.